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Missed Payment Portal

Please note this service is only available to VWFS Ireland Customers

If you are a customer of any other VWFS entity, this request will not be actioned and will not be forwarded to the relevant party. If you are not a VWFS Ireland customer, we kindly ask you to get in contact with the Customer Care Department of your respective VWFS entity.

Missed Payment Portal


Welcome to the VWFS Missed Payment Portal. You have been directed to this page as your monthly vehicle payment has been returned to us by your Bank. To offer you a convenient way to keep your agreement with us up to date please use the below form to instruct us when we debit your bank account for this payment. 

Please note that the date represents a date in the next 31 days. If the month has less then 31 days and you select a date that doesn't occur in that month, VWFS will set the date for the last day of the month i.e. 28th February. Your next payment will be debited as per your original agreement.

Please allow at least 2 working days from the date you choose for the payment to appear on your bank statement. 




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This field is mandatory and must be filled in.

Contact data

This field is mandatory and must be filled in.

This field is mandatory and must be filled in.


This field is mandatory and must be filled in.

This field is mandatory and must be filled in.

* Mandatory fields (must be completed)